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Sociology of Race and Ethnicity: Home

Course Guide for SOC2340
"A great library contains the diary of the human race." -- George Mercer Dawson, Address, Opening of the Birmingham Free Library, 26 October 1866


This Course Guide was created to assist patrons locate resources pertaining to the Sociology course 2340 Sociology of Race and Ethnicity.  This is by no means an exhaustive listing of all resources available within UWP Richland, UWP Libraries or the UW System.  Click on one of the tabs at the top of this guide to access helpful links to useful information available in electronic databases, online resources, print resources, visual resources such as movies, and professional organizations.  If you need any assistance please contact me.

Starting a new search for any topic can be overwhelming, however, it really does not have to be!  When searching the topic Race & Ethnicity think of the different aspects of the subject: Race, Racism, Racial, Religious Groups, Ethnic Groups, Ethnicity and Nationality.  Another place to find keywords is in your syllabus, look at the areas you will be studying, topics of discussion, and the readings.  When breaking the larger subject down it will be easier to focus your research and find the materials you are truly looking for.  Please do not forget, when all else fails, ask the librarian.

Other Class Resources

This is a list of PodCasts and Videos pertaining to the Issues of Race and Ethnicity.  These have been compiled by Amy Grams, thank you Amy for providing me with the list.  Some listed also appear in this Course Guide.

Something to Read for Class

Course Description

What is this course all about?

The experience of American racial, religious, ethnic and nationality groups. The nature of intergroup relations in the United States. Relationship of intergroup dynamics to social change, and to basic ideological, technological, and institutional structures and processes. Emphasis on social conflict over the distribution of economic and political power, family patterns, housing, education and access to the legal system.

Definitions from Textbook

Ethnicity: Group identity based on notions of similar and shared history, culture, and kinship.

Race: A social construction to describe a group of people who share physical and cultural traits as well as a common ancestry.

Racism: (1) The belief that races are populations of people whose physical differences are linked to significant cultural and social differences and that these innate hierarchical differences can be measured and judged. (2) The practice of subordinating races believed to be inferior.

Race & Ethnicity

Textbook Information

Class Syllabus

Department of Criminal Justice and Social Sciences

Department website:

Department Chair: Will LeSuer
Office: 1147 Ullsvik Hall
Phone: 608.342.1033

The Department of Criminal Justice and Social Sciences is made up of the anthropology, criminal justice, ethnic studies, forensic investigation, international studies, political science, sociology, and women’s and gender studies programs.  Its mission is to prepare students for success as liberally educated people who are intellectually mature, ethically responsible, and culturally aware.

Contact Information

608.342.1622 |